Timisoara municipality, documentarily attested of over 730years, the capital of Timis County, located in Campia Timisului (Timis Plain). Timis Plain is crossed by Bega and Timis Rivers, whose presence has influenced over the time the evolution of the town from the Citadel fortified with walls, bastions, fosses and vallums. Timisoara is the third city of Romania with a population of 317,660 inhabitants (2002).
Pictures from old times.
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Timisoara now
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How you can reach us.
You can come to Timisoara by plane, train or by car
For local transport please visit RATT - Autonomous Transport Administration Timisoara
Information to reach the conference places from airport and railstation you can find by clicking on the link below.
The map below its a interactive one. The letters can be clicked for more detailes.
You have the posibilities to zoom or to pan in the map with the controls from the left.
If you need a more detailed map of the city click on the next link -- Timisoara MAP
Casa Oamenilor de Știință- Casa Politehnicii 2
Bl. M. Eminescu nr. 11, 3000028 Timisoara
Aula Magna, West University of Timisoara
Bl. V. Parvan 4, 300223 Timisoara
Large and Small Audience Senate Hall, Univ. Politehnica
Piata Victoriei nr 2, 300006 Timisoara
Restaurant Universitar Politehnica (University Restaurant Politehnica)
Complexul Studentesc, Strada Alexandru Vaida-Voievod Timisoara Casa Politehnicii Nr. 1
Bl. Regele Ferdinand, nr. 2, 300006 Timisoara Hotel Central
Lenau, Nr 6 Timisoara Casa del Sol
Romulus street no 12 Timisoara |
1 ---
Casa Politehnicii 2 (Bl. M. Eminescu nr. 11) |
2 ---
Aula Magna, West University of Timisoara, (Bd. V.Parvan 4) |
3 ---
Large and Small Audience Senate Hall, Univ. Politehnica, (Piata
Victoriei nr 2) |
4 ---
Restaurant Universitar Politehnica (University Restaurant Politehnica)
Complexul Studentesc, Strada Alexandru Vaida Voievod |
5 --- Casa Politehnicii Nr. 1), Bl. Regele Ferdinand, nr. 2 |
6 --- Hotel Central, Lenau, Nr 6 |
7 --- Casa del Sol, Romulus street no 12 |